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Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Mouth Guards

Custom-fitted mouth guards available at LightHouse Dental Cobourg can help to protect your oral health and overall well-being.

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Dental Appliances, Cobourg Dentist

What is a Dental Appliance?

In addition to brushing and flossing, to maintain good oral health we must take measures to protect our teeth from becoming damaged. For people who play sports, who grind or clench their teeth or who snore, dental appliances can help preserve or protect our oral structures, along with the health of our entire bodies. 

At LightHouse Dental Cobourg, our dentists offer mouth guards for sports and sleep to help protect your dental health. 

Night Guards

The custom-made night guards we offer fit over your teeth to protect them from damage. 

If you often grind your teeth while sleeping, mouth guards can help protect them from damage. If jaw clenching is the issue, they can help prevent clenching and alleviate pain. 

Sports Guards 

We offer custom-made sports guards that fit over your teeth to protect them from damage.

If you get hit in the mouth during a sports activity, a mouth guard provides a barrier between your teeth and the soft tissue of your mouth to protect your smile.

New Patients Always Welcome

We are accepting new patients. Contact us and take the first step in achieving better oral health outcomes.

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(905) 372-2626